The Hentai Games feat. Riela Tanal

“Provietnam will rise again”

-Riela Tanal, creator of Theomachy, joins the show as our special guest

-We pick Riela’s brain about the behind-the-scenes of EVE’s best live event

-VOLT has a negative % chance of keeping their space by 2018

-Jintaan returns! His long overdue thoughts on Fanfest, the new CSM, and more

-The Anime War: Jin is Content Moses, leading the Weebish people to prosperity and good fights

-The cast reveals their waifus and competes to pitch non-anime-fan Artimus on which series to kick start his anime addiction

Vanquisher down! The first loss of a faction titan in EVE

-Host highlights: Alek whips out his cartography skills, Jin gets reelected, Artimus gears up for the AT, and Riela almost hits 200 registrants for Theomachy

Ending: LeetStreet Boys – Yuri the one for me

Citadel Fest w/ Yukiko Kami

“Pretty easy considering his citizens respawn regularly”

-Fresh off election to the CSM, Yukiko Kami joins the show as our special guest

-Speaking of, we have a new CSM! What does the future look like for CSM12?

-FanFest! We break down all the new announcements and features including faction citadels and Blood Raiders shipyards.

-Tensions rise in the south as Goonswarm clashes with TEST/C02 over structures

-Turns out our Wrestlemania predictions were terrible

End Song: It’s a New Day, yes it is!

DoW 131: Mah Drills

“What’re you gonna do, go to the gym instead? I think not. Fuck you: pay me.”
-MC vs Provi RESULTS! Plus news of their next deployment

-Spectacular dev blog about the new Refineries and moon mining v2.0

-RMLs down, HMLs up: will this bring back the Drake?

-Twitch vs EVE

-Is EVE P2W? One alphabro says yes with some epic fan mail

-New suns/stars/thingies

Ending Song: Summer Sun Celebration

DoW 130: Angry Jin Noises

“Get a nice tropical vibe going in your southern hemisphere”

-Special guest Cosmo, Executive Editor of Crossing Zebras

-Provi vs MC, the epic conclusion complete with battle reports, stats, smug, and barely intelligible rage

-What did you miss this week in EVE? Patch notes, drama, leaks, controversies, and skirmishes. We hit it all!

-Plus: Alek has big news in Host Highlights!


DoW Ballot for CSM XII

The War Dec Project

Fall of J233255